grüne Rasenkante und saubere Befestigung der Natursteinplatten

steinfix® Edge profile

Quick paving edging without concrete work with steinfix®

Steinfix edging profiles are the time-saving and cost-effective solution for paving and laying stones and slabs. Thanks to steinfix, there is no need for tedious concreting of the edges. The permanent fixing can be carried out in any weather and regardless of the concrete mix. As there is no need for positioning straps or concrete edging, the lawn remains sufficiently moist even at the edge. The well-designed holes in the profile ensure optimum water and root penetration, resulting in green and healthy lawn edges.

High-quality material and production in Switzerland

Steinfix is made from recycled, impact-resistant rigid PVC in Switzerland. For over 15 years, the quality of this product has impressed gardeners and landscapers with its durability and ease of use. Whether for seating areas with ceramic slabs or driveable surfaces - steinfix offers the right profile for every requirement.

steinfix<sup>®</sup> h10

steinfix® h10

Edge trim profile for ceramic tiles

steinfix<sup>®</sup> h22

steinfix® h22

Edge profile for interlocking paving stones

steinfix<sup>®</sup> h45

steinfix® h45

Edge profile for special applications

steinfix<sup>®</sup> forte

steinfix® forte

Extremely strong edge finish


steinfix edging profiles are the quick and robust alternative to concrete edging.

Mit steinfix Randabschlussprofilen muss der Belag nicht anbetoniert werden.

Fixing tiles without concrete

Fast and independent laying

[Translate to English:] Rüttelplatte. sofort begehbarer Plattenbelag

Immediately ready for use

saves time

[Translate to English:] Grüner Rasenrand dank gelochtem Profil. Feuchtikgeitstransfer

Green lawn edges

Perforation ensures water permeability